Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mesh Flower Collection???

So someone posted about a Mesh Flower collection on the Vera Bradley fan page on FB. Has anyone seen pictures? I really want to know what they look like! It sounds like they are in Loves Me! I love Loves Me! This is probably going to be tempting!


  1. I saw a picture of them in the source book at my local retailer. Looks kind of weird. There's a layer of thin mesh over top of the normal patter. I know the night and say pattern makes it look almost silver. Also, they're doing silver leather straps on one particular bag. Sorry I can't be of anymore help than that. Should be an interesting collection.

  2. Hmm...sounds weird. Hard to picture what they look like. Thanks for the info! That is more than I knew before!

  3. Here's a picture of the big tote: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs423.ash1/23418_1402225944009_1483159503_1044652_2823836_n.jpg

    Let me know if you can't see if and I'll find another way to send it to you :)

  4. Yay! The link worked! Thanks Nicci! I can't decide if I like the bag or not though. I hope some of the gift shops in San Diego get them so I can check them out. Thanks again!

  5. No problem. Consider it a gift from one Vera addict to another ;)
