Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy 2010 Winter Release Day!

There is so much going on today. First off you probably noticed the new design of my blog! Kim over at 733 A Creative Blog created it for me! I absolutely love it! I couldn't be happier with how it turned out! Thank you Kim!

Second, today is the new release of all the Winter 2010 patterns! I posted last night before I went to bed with a few links to the new patterns and styles. I was able to watch the QVC Vera Bradley episode last night. It didn't have that many of the new items, but it did have the Perfect Pocket Tote. Make sure to scroll down the page to see last nights blog.

Lastly, today is the day that my sister leaves for the Peace Corps! She is going to Ukraine and will be there for 27 months! I went to my parent's house last night to hang out with her while she was packing...I think that I even saw her pack a couple Vera Bradley items. Today I am going to meet her at the airport to say goodbye one more time. I wish her safe travels and I hope that she has an amazing time. I already started savings money to go visit her. I am really going to miss her.


  1. Oooooh! I love the new look! :D

    Personally, I do not like the new winter colors at all. Fall was definitely better in my opinion. :)

  2. I love your new look! I did end up buying a new one from QVC today! I bought the squared away in baroque. I also like the twirly bird navy, but thought the baroque would be great for winter!

  3. Thanks! Glad you guys like it!

    Grace, I kind of agree. I know I want something from Winter but I might just wait and get a Nylon bag. I do like Versailles though, navy is always tempting.

    Sonya, Gayl reminded me that you can use ebates to get money back on your purchase on QVC. I didnt even think about. They had such good deals! I wish I would have picked up a squared away or the pocket tote.
