Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Raffle Winner!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle...Linda, Diana and Amber! I raised $85. I was hoping for $300, but I will take what I can get. At least it is $85 to a cause that is close to my heart. So far I have raised $1,433! Only $867 to go until I reach my goal of $2,300!

I cut up everyone's name for the amount of entries that they had and put them in my Seaside Floppy Hat.

And the winner is...

Congrats Amber! Your new tote will be mailed to you this week!
If anyone wants more information about Susan G. Komen or the Breast Cancer 3 Day walk you can visit my page at www.the3day.org/goto/alison.
For more information about the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer you can visit the following websites:


  1. Oh dear, I have been so busy this past week I completey forgot to come by and enter...are you still accepting donations?

  2. YAYAYAYAZYAYAYYAAY!!! I'm so excited ;o)
