Monday, June 27, 2011

Vera Bradley Fall 2011 Video!

Check out this new video on You Tube that Vera Bradley posted!  It has the new Fall colors.  I am getting even more excited for them, I really like all four!  They will be in stores July 7th! 

There is a bag that looks like a new one that I am interested in.  It plays at around 30 seconds and again at 50 seconds.  I wonder if it is a new signature line bag or a special collection.  If anyone knows, let me know! 

Update: the bag is called a Chain Bag and retails for $78!  
You can view the Fall 2011 Catalog by clicking here


  1. I'm positive it's called the "Chain Bag" but I don't know if it is a special collection piece or what... the Fall 2011 catalog is actually up on the Vera Bradley website now!! (I just looked at it a few minutes ago but right now the site isn't working for me!!)

  2. Thanks! I just looked it up and that is what it is!

  3. Oh wow..they have such nice stuff in this collection! Can you do a comparison for me, like you did the Carried Away Tote and Pleated Tote. Except with the Pleated tote and the Vera. Next year I'll be a junior in high school... So I have no idea which one to pick! I'm also kind of liking the new East West Tote :X

  4. Oh my Vera! ;) I love the new fall collection! I was looking through the catalog and opened it to the pages 1-2. I was looking at page 2 (the picture where the girls are holding the Be Colorful sign). I'm trying to figure out what the first girl is carrying. I tried to find the Vera item by the strap but could not figure it out. Do you know what it could be?

  5. @Melle - I would read the comments that people posted on that blog. A lot of people chimed in about the Vera tote. I would say that the Vera is probably a little bit taller. It is tight to get my Pleated Tote to zip shut when I have my laptop in it. The best thing to go would be to search totes on the vera bradley website and then click the boxes to compare them. I think that it just comes down to personal preference.

    @Lauren I think that it must be something from the Frill line. I guess we will have to wait and see.

  6. Melle, I don't know if this helps, but all the girls at the local high school who carry Vera Bradley bags seem to use the Vera tote. The folks at the stores are really nice, if you have a particular item that you want to check to see if it fits in a bag, they will let you check.

  7. I can't wait to see the new Frill stuff and the
    Vera Vera collection. Do these also come out on the 7th?
