Monday, January 9, 2012

Vera Bradley Spring 2012 Gift With Purchase

From January 19 - February 1 you will be able to Choose Your Gift with any purchase of $75 or more!  Your choices will be the Tech Case, Life in Progress or Ditty Bag.  These are great choices for a gift with purchase!  I love the Ditty Bag, I could even do a post just about Ditty Bags...might have to do that later this month, haha.  I also have two Tech Cases, one for my camera and one for random things like my iPhone or iPod. 

So if checking out the new colors and styles wasnt enough to tempt you, this might help :) 

Happy Shopping! 


  1. Do you happen to know if this deal will be available online or just in stores?

  2. Oh man! I just bought a ditty bag this fall! I love mine! I think this is a great promotion. And I think you should do a post about the uses for a ditty bag, by the way! :)

  3. Do you know if the promo is available at all retailers or is it just through Vera Bradley?
