Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Vera Bradley's Special Birthday Celebration - August 9

 Vera Bradley is throwing a party again this year for the namesake.  The Vera Bradley birthday party will be all day in stores on Thursday, August 9. Check out the photo below of the postcard with all of the details of the day. 

All Day
Celebrate with a Vera for just $68

Open - 2pm
Buy one items, receive one half off. 
Enter for a chance to win a $100 gift card. 

2pm - 6pm
Enjoy $20 off backpack and tote styles. 
Enter for a chance to win your favorite item. 

6pm to Close
Receive 20% off any purchase. 
Enter for a chance to win a $250 Vera Bradley gift set. 

Enter our grand prize drawing for a chance to win 
an in-store party for you and 10 friends, plus $300 in gift cards.

Sounds like they have a great party planned!  
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  1. I'm blown away! My invite looks completely different, except it's Va Va Bloom print. Our sig. store party is from 6-8pm, inviting one to celebrate Vera's B'day with 'Sips & Sweets' It has two punch-out coupons (invitee & friend) to spin the Party Wheel (all spins win) and it DOES memtion @ bottom of tri-fold invite 'Win your own celebration) the party for winner & 10 guests + $300 in gift cards. Not a peep about Veras @ $68, other raffles throughout the day or any $ or % discounts. I'm VERY, very saddened.

    1. You got the invite to the VIP party! I would be pretty happy about that! They are always a lot of fun and with the prize wheel it sounds like you will be going home with something fun! I am sure that they will be honoring the $68 Vera at the party.

  2. Thanks for the upbeat spin on what I didm't think of! Our signature store in Providence is actually awesome. Around March (before Easter anyway) it was one of the test market stores for the full fall pattern line. So off with mini- me (my lil Vera addict, 7) SHE chose a Provincial Tote for herself, a Potabello Road backpack for me & Canyon Lg. cosmetic (gift) for whoever had the first need. She thought it would be cool to have the tote before anyone else! At least my Vera monster is a saavy one knowing she could get the first three with everone else, NOT that she did. SHE also got to sleep through my post midnight laumch order of her beloved Va Va Bloom comforter thankfully before they ran out!
    I really appreciate your response Alison. We both, especially me LOVE OMV! Thanks for keepong her up, going & always fun.

  3. I'm not sure why, but my mother got an email invite from our new store (which she's only visited once) for the evening party on the 8th but I didn't get one. I got the postcard for the 9th. Can I still RSVP for the evening party if I didn't get the email?
