Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Vera Bradley Winter 2013 Colors!

Here are the three Winter 2013 colors: Canterberry Cobalt, Canterberry Magenta and Venetian Paisley!

I am loving Ventian Paisley!

To check out the survey these were a part of you can click here and click here. Looks like the Venetian Paisley they are making was not part of the survey. 

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  1. Hmm. Not sure about the Canterburys yet. The Venetian Paisley looks neat, though!

  2. I like the Venetian Paisley... but 2 variations of the same print when you are only releasing 3 patterns? Boring.....

  3. I like Venetian Paisley and I know my sister will love it - it has all her favorite colors.

  4. Not what I'm looking for, maybe they will have something in their second release. Otherwise I sticking with the items I have and save the money!

  5. Wow. That Venetian Paisley is too busy for my tastes. Will have to see the Caterburys in person. Might be a money saving fall which is good. I really have plenty of Vera right now with the spring and summer and last winter having so many patterns I truly loved.

    Quality issues still a factor. Got an item with hard yellow glue all over it last week. Crazy.

  6. is there going to be a second release of Winter patterns?

  7. I liked the other Venetian Paisley from the survey's better...

  8. I am NOT a fan of the Venetian Paisley at all. The other two from the survey were much better. This design reminds me too much of a 4 year old with crayons. I wish they used the light purple/teal looking one.
